Wi-Fi Modifications

Our modification center provides the full installation / retrofit and testing of aircraft in-flight Wi-Fi System (satellite network and air-to-ground network). Our avionic, structural, maintenance and engineering teams are highly experience with the modification kits and systems on any type of aircraft.

There are several manufacturers in the marketplace that offer satellite-based inflight connectivity and air-to-ground connectivity, which deliver high speed Internet capability enabling users to do mobile telephone calls, texting, including video streaming, games and social media during flight. The air-to-ground system has limited coverage and it only works over or close to land.

The satellite type connectivity includes upper fuselage antenna under a radome; the antenna receives data through satellites in earth orbit and both the satellite and air-to ground system enables the passengers to connect through an on-board router.

SAE offers the following to customers:

  • Competitive turn time and fees.
  • Minimum aircraft ground time.
  • Highly trained and experience licensed personnel.